Don’t Publish The Job Yet. Talk To Talman First.
Trading systems developers. Quantitative developers. Quantitative traders. Risk trading quants. Exchange infrastructure professionals. Let’s be honest: These people don’t grow on trees. We’re talking about a senior level of talent that is highly educated and does extensive work in languages such as C++, Java, Python and C#.
Once this talent is identified, how can you be sure that a particular candidate is an exceptional fit for your culture and style of management? You can’t. However, by having a conversation with Roy Talman & Associates now, even before you make the job public, you can go a long way toward making the process ahead so much smoother.
That’s because Roy Talman has built a stellar reputation over the last 30+ years among the largest hedge funds and trading firms in the world for understanding their culture and then meshing the right skill sets and personalities with that environment. We are used to clients who are “not too picky” asking for merely “the top 1% …. of the top 1%.”
So if you’re a highly selective hiring manager seeking to build your trading team, talk to Talman first. We’ll elevate your search beyond the traditional “post and pray” pattern that so many firms fall into. And save you a world of time while you’re at it too.
A Complete Fit For Skill, Culture And Your Future.
It’s one thing to place good technical talent for what the average hiring manager, IT department and HR manager requires today. However, the clients who have always turned to Roy Talman & Associates demand progressive thinking in people who can excel and evolve as quickly as the technology itself.
For over 30 years, our specialty is in connecting forward-thinking companies with exceptional:
- Software Developers
- Hands-on Technical Managers
- Software Architects
- AWS, Azure, Google and other Cloud Professionals
- Infrastructure Professionals
- System and Security Administrators
- Data Sciences and ML Engineers
- Quality Development Test Engineers
In fact, even as we’re contacted by firms that focus on C++, C#, Java, Scala and Python, Roy Talman & Associates also works with companies that seek to be involved with “The Cloud” on a deeper level. There’s a reason why the hiring managers who have known us for years always talk to Talman first for their technical recruiting needs. Let’s have that conversation today so you can discover it for yourself.