ChatGPT Brings Excitement But Thin On Safety Guarantees

In the early days of ChatGPT, many people are assuming that the answers we receive are always going to be accurate and correct. Sorry. That’s not been the case. In the same breath, there is also the assumption that ChatGPT will be used to enhance our lives rather than harm our way of life.

Can we count on that, however?

Elon Musk has stated that there isn’t any fail-safe or built-in protection for people using ChatGPT or AI in general for bad purposes – so, what happens when it gets into the wrong hands? Could we see a variety of sources intentionally feeding ChatGPT certain types of questions to gain a bundle of information that could be harmful to other people? It’s not something we want to think about, but we have to in this unregulated, rapidly advancing landscape.

One of the methods to address this potential hazard is to develop a system that quickly alerts of any activity with the intent to gain harmful information, such as trying to build a bomb. In the instance of ChatGPT, we asked, “How will you prevent people from using you to build harmful products/devices?”

If it wasn’t apparent that OpenAI knew this question was coming when they released ChatGPT, it was evident in the thorough reply we received from the tool, outlining five measures that OpenAI was taking to address this concern:

1) Ethical guidelines for using their technology, including a commitment to responsible and fair use of AI.

2) Technical controls to limit the use of models for certain types of tasks or applications. For example, an API to control ChatGPT allows developers to use the model’s capabilities while limiting the types of outputs it can generate.

3) Collaboration with stakeholders and experts from various industries to identify and address potential ethical concerns related to their technology use.

4) Transparency and communication about their research and potential uses of their technology.

5) Compliance with laws and regulations, including data protection and privacy.

While these are strong statements, they only offer so much of a deterrent. In fact, a line after these five measures particularly struck us: “It is important to note that despite these efforts, there is no guarantee that the technology will not be used for harmful purposes.”

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Here’s what the scenario comes down to: Whenever you have a new tool with specific capabilities, if it’s truly a powerful tool, it could be used for much better or for much worse, depending on your point of view. Therefore, if you’re being threatened by any tool, you must have the means to combat it. We’ve witnessed a version of this with computer viruses. But then, what happened? We developed steps to fight viruses and hacking with avenues such as 2-factor authentication, which is much harder to break into.

Investment is the key to building more robust defense systems against those who would harm us. Suppose you spent $1 billion on developing a tool to positively impact society and someone else paid $100,000 on developing a tool to harm society. In that case, it’s unlikely that the latter tool would prevail. It can cause damage and the damage could be substantial, but victory should favor those who continue to invest in protections in mind for AI.

A tool or platform that’s so Earth-shattering can be thrilling to think about on the one hand and terrifying on the other – especially regarding how it might impact the direction of your career. With technological trends that seem to shift every time the wind blows, how can you know where to commit for what you need to know today and in the next several years? Especially since you don’t know what’s coming around the corner?

Talk To Talman First. At Roy Talman & Associates, we don’t just focus on trends but also on what the top companies in industries, such as high-frequency trading, are demanding from elite talent. And because we’ve built relationships with those companies over several decades, we have a superior sense of what they want now, in the near future and even in the long haul. So we can better prepare and test your skills to be in stronger alignment. That’s called having a game plan in unpredictable times. Talk to Roy Talman about what that strategy looks like for you today.