We’ll let you in on some industry insight: When someone asks a recruiter how their business is doing, the answer is often a more complicated one than you might expect. You see, if you ask about one’s recruitment business, you’re really asking, “How many people have you placed?”
Case in point: at Roy Talman & Associates, we’re more apt to place ten people rather than the average recruiter that places 100 people. But our firm is likely doing better. Why? Because our firm isn’t just placing people – we’re placing bonafide gems. All-stars in the making. The top 1% of the top 1% who will probably register an impact on that business for many years to come.
Does a firm need a ton of those rare types of talent? Not really. Placing just a few names of such extraordinary talent within a quarter could yield tremendous results. However, you may be wondering, “Yes, but if you’re not placing as many candidates, even if it’s higher quality, how is that smaller number going to work out for you?”

The key here is what many recruiters miss: We actually maintain relationships with people for years and years. We don’t wait until they’re looking again to maintain contact. One of the reasons why you’re reading this Talman Tidbit is because we know that candidates and hiring managers with whom we’ve preserved relationships for decades will read them. In many ways, maintaining this connection between our placement of the highest quality talent is every bit as vital as the actual process of active placement itself.
Talman Advantage #8: True Help To Hit The Ground Running
With an offer coming, do you have a solid understanding of what you’ll be doing in the first 6 months? The first year? Having placed a variety of senior people at each client’s firm, Roy Talman & Associates can help you clarify a whole lot about the environment you’re about to join, your role and the true expectations of your new manager.
A recruiter without the overwhelming credibility that we have may not be able to shed as much light on what’s in store for you on Day 1 and beyond. So get the insight you need and talk to Talman first.
Part of building, strengthening and preserving our connections to hiring managers is that we keep our finger on the pulse of the cultures of tech firms and high-frequency trading firms. But it’s also that we have the utmost respect for hiring managers we’ve partnered with and, as such, we will never seek to take someone out of the environment from which we’ve placed them. After all, if you want to preserve trust, what kind of sense does it make to place them, only to turn around and poach them? None! If you’ve done it right the first time, you’re looking at the long-term relationship, not just the job that needs to be filled today.
For example, we placed a gentleman who formally accepted a job – and a very good one at that, with excellent compensation. Now that we’ve placed him at that company, we will never talk to him about other jobs while he is employed there. We cannot and will not recruit him from a company in which we placed him. That’s why we frequently say, “Talk To Talman First.”
“OK, but what if you’ve placed me and I’m subsequently laid off a few years later? Can we start back up again?”
Ah, now that’s a different story. In fact, that’s precisely what happened to the gentleman we mentioned above. After he lost his job, he immediately called one of our associates at Roy Talman & Associates and – most importantly – he didn’t talk to anybody else during this critical period. It was one call directly to our firm and it was the only call he needed to make.
Once Roy Talman & Associates has a relationship with someone who has been in our orbit, whether hiring managers or past consultants, it’s our mission to ensure that they keep counting on us and talking to us. It’s a formula that’s worked exceptionally well for us for over 30 years. Discover how it works in action with one initial phone call to see where the conversation takes us. We’re confident you’ll learn why you always Talk To Talman First.